Monday, April 30, 2012

#OccupyGreenHill #OpSaveAnimals -/- #OpItaly -/- #OpGreenRights -/- #ALF -/- #fermaregreenhill -/- #LiberateGliAttivisti -/- #Anonymous


Salve,  Mengele del nuovo millennio.

La vostra Associazione deturpa il reale fine della ricerca scientifica con insanguinate atrocità: quelle della vivisezione. Pratica barbara, inutile e oramai superata da tecniche valide e prive di crudeltà, la sperimentazione animale è moralmente e scientificamente inaccettabile.

Milioni di animali vengono massacrati in nome di una scienza arretrata e destinata a scontrarsi con un vicolo cieco. 

La vivisezione si macchia di una duplice colpevolezza: oltraggia non solo gli animali ma anche la specie umana, in quanto inutile per una reale ricerca significativa. La sperimentazione animale è anche complice delle affamate Lobbies farmaceutiche, le quali nefandezze sono ormai note.Per un reale progresso scientifico, per una ricerca senza crudeltà

Se Voi assaltate la Vita, noi assaltiamo i Vostri siti.

 #OpSaveAnimals -/-  #OpItaly -/-  #OpGreenRights -/-  #ALF  -/-
#fermaregreenhill -/-  #LiberateGliAttivisti  -/- #Anonymous

Deface on

Friday, April 27, 2012

28 april OCCUPY GREEN HILL National demonstration to demand the immediate release of all the dogs shut up in Green Hill

14.00 pm (GMT+1) - Palageorge -Via Falcone - Montichiari (BS) - ITALY

Where is Green Hill?

Green Hill 2001
Via Colle San Zeno 6
25018 Montichiari (BS)

Tel: 030 9961244
030 962061
030 9651902
Fax: 030 9659420



Sunday, April 1, 2012

DDOS protest against Impregilo and Colombian Ministry of Environment involved in the costruction of ENEL 's dam in El Quimbo.

Press ENG:
As mentioned several times above the Italian's company Enel is building a gigantic dam in Colombia in El Quimbo. The dam in 20 years will be totally useless
The river will dry up and the lands along the 1500 km of its course become unfertile.
About 80000 hectares of Amazon rainforest will be inundated.
We stress that will be the Italian construction company Impregilo private, Caltagirone group, to proceed in the construction of that.
The work, unfortunately, has already begun, in fact, Impregilo has built a retaining wallbut it is already sold twice in the rugged force of the water.
The people who demonstrated against the project have experienced the violent repression of the police.
The video evidence that the use of firearms by police has been censored by the government, which has also tried to remove it from the network.
The Parliament of Colombia has accused the Minister of Interior of conflict of interest, as the brother of a director of Endesa.
The judiciary is investigating against the Colombian government and the ministry of'environment of fraud and irregularities in the granting of contracts and environmental disaster.
#Oprationgreenrights and #Anonymous, intended to hit these unclean projects of environmental devastation at every level and Impregilo as the government of Colombia, the region of Huila and ENDESA ENEL-eguaalmente are jointly responsible.
Voracious brick companies, we will not allow your projects from destroying the'ecosystem Quimbo reducing thousands of workers to despair.
Impregilo, you are the laborers of the project's criminal aggression against Nature and against ethnic extermination of natives that ENEL and the big mining companies are pursuing through out in South America!
We are Anonymous.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect Us.
We're still alive.